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Course Completion Certificates within the PPMA Project awarded at the University of Niš

On Monday, 18 October 2021, at the ceremonial hall of the University of Niš, the award ceremony for awarding Course Completion Certificates within the Lifelong learning programmes concerning policy making and analysis was organized. The present course participants were greeted by prof. Miomira Kostić, PhD, and prof. Aleksandar Mojašević, PhD, after which they were awarded certificates. In the Spring semester of 2021, a total of 29 course participants from the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia have attended and passed the courses in the online format. The courses were grouped into two modules (basic and applied) held by professors of the University of Niš, while the course participants were given the opportunity to choose, attend and take exams under courses within the Erasmus+ PPMA Project “Interdisciplinary short cycle programmes in public policy making and analysis” (Project no.: 598596-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPКА2-CBHE-JP-ENV2), designed and implemented by professors of the University of Novi Sad and Belgrade.
Certificates were also sent to the residential addresses of the course participants who were prevented from attending the award ceremony for various reasons.