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Public Policy Secretariat

Bojana Tošić, the Director of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Public Policy Secretariat has more than 10 years of experience in the field of regulatory reform, public administration reform and public policy management. She has participated in the drafting of numerous regulations, studies and reports for both the public and private sectors. She has extensive experience in coordinating public policies and results-based management, which she applied in establishing and successfully managing the Action Plan for the implementation of the Government Programme from 2015 to 2020.

Ivana Vukašinović
pomoćnik direktora Republičkog sekretarijata za javne politike
Ivana je završila osnovne studije na Fakultetu političkih nauka, Univerziteta u Beogradu i stekla zvanje diplomiranog politikologa za međunarodne poslove. Ima više od 13 godina radnog iskustva od čega je više od 10 godina državni službenik.
Poseduje dugogodišnje iskustvo u programiranju međunarodne razvojne pomoći, pripremi projekata, praćenju i evaluaciji posebno u okviru sektora vladavine prava, kao i u procesima integracije i reformi EU, harmonizaciji zakonodavstva, izveštavanju itd. Tokom godina stekla je iskustvo u pripremi različitih tipova studija, metodologija i izveštaja o javnoj politici i razvoju, regulatornoj i institucionalnoj reformi zasnovanoj na istraživanju, formulisanju preporuka za buduće aktivnosti, izradu strategija i akcionih planova.
Ivana je i sertifikovani trener za obuke državnih službenika i nekoliko godina unazad je organizovala, koordinirala i držala programe obuka državnim službenicima i zaposlenima u lokalnoj samoupravi i nevladinom sektoru. Trener je za analizu efekata javnih politika; izradu strateških dokumenata i upravljanje projektnim ciklusom.
Iskustvo u upravljanju projektima i implementaciji je prethodno stekla obavljajući poslove prvo u okviru Kancelarije za evropske integracije a kasnije i u Ministarstvu odbrane, Direkciji za upravljanje projektima. U Republičkom sekretarijatu za javne politike je od 2015. godine gde je prvo obavljala poslove rukovodioca grupe i šefa odseka u okviru Sektora za podršku planiranju, koordinaciju i praćenje sprovođenja javnih politika. Na poziciji vršioca dužnosti pomoćnika direktora je od avgusta 2018. godine.

Svetlana Aksentijević, Head of the Department for Economic Analysis in the Government of the Republic of Serbia Public Policy Secretariat. She has many years of experience in making economic analyses, especially analyses in the field of employment policy. She performs analytical support in the process of strategic planning, with special emphasis on monitoring the effects of public policies and decision-making based on data.

Dijana Ilić Zogović a graduate economist, she is an assistant director of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Public Policy Secretariat. She has had a professional twenty-five-year career in the public sector, in the field of applied economic research and analysis in the process of preparing planning documents. She is the national coordinator of the preparation of the Economic Reform Programme, the most important strategic document in the economic dialogue with the European Commission, as well as the coordinator of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Government Programme.

Jelena Todorović is a graduate lawyer, senior advisor in the Government of the Republic of Serbia Public Policy Secretariat, head of the Group for Innovations in Public Policies. Jelena has ten years of experience in public administration, regulatory and public administration reform and has participated in the preparation of strategic documents.

Darinka Radojević is the Head of the Department for Support to Public Policy Management and Coordination of Monitoring the Implementation of Government Priorities. She has many years of experience in strategic planning with special expertise in the field of sustainable development, environmental protection and climate change.

Ognjen Bogdanović is the Head of the Department for Quality Assurance of Regulations and Effect Analysis in the Public Policy Secretariat of the Republic of Serbia. He has many years of experience in improving the quality of regulations, planning documents and impact analysis.