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Regional Meeting of the Western Balkan Countries in the Area of the Capacity Building in Higher Education – 22 – 23. October 2019, Drač (Albania)

The regional meeting on the effect of the projects in the area of the capacity building in higher education (CBHE) on the Western Balkan countries was held in the period from 22. – 23. October 2019 in Drač, Albania.
The meeting, organized by EACEA, EAC and NEO Albania, within the CBHE ERASMUS+ project, which gathered local participants in the area of higher education (HE) , as well as all CBHE projects realized on the Western Balkan (WB), was also attended by an assistant professor Jasna Atanasijević., PhD.

During the two-day meeting, which included two workshops as well, the participants had the opportunity to exchange the best practices and reconsider possibilities for improving regional cooperation, modernization and internationalization of high education facilities in the Western Balkan countries, networking CBHE projects for the purpose of improving their quality, as well as identification of specific academic restrictions and difficulties related to the implementation of projects in their own countries.
This meeting was seen as a good possibility for encouraging analysis and discussion on the ERASMUS+ programme, as well as capacity of this programme for fostering the future educational programme in EU.