About Policy Club

Workshop was held in Nis on 1and 2 July 2019

Within the framework of the PPMA project, a workshop dedicated to the development of training programs was held in Niš on 1 and 2 July. At the beginning of the workshop, Prof. Danilo Vuković, Ph.D, presented the objectives of the workshop: to discuss the courses, to establish interdisciplinarity in the concept of courses and inter-institutional links in the realization of courses, to conduct a preliminary assessment of our needs for further advanced training, and to ensure uniform criteria regarding the allocation of the ECTS credits and literature.

Thereafter, Prof. Branko Radulović, PhD, presented an overview of courses at European universities. One of the main conclusions of his analysis is that there are great differences in types and organization of courses. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify four key areas: creation and analysis of public policy, economics, research and methodology courses and public administration and management, while the list of elective subjects is long and diverse. They all place emphasis on the involvement of practitioners in the implementation of courses, whereas two important approaches were identified: a case study and independent research work with a research dimension, but in the format of public policy analysis. Workshop participants agreed that these findings in particular represented an important input and guidance for the development of training programs.

Prof. Zorana Lužanin, Ph.D. presented legal opportunities for the realization of courses, with all the advantages and disadvantages of four models: master studies, short programs, lifelong learning programs and modules within the framework of accredited programs. The workshop participants are going to analyse in detail the models of realization of courses in the forthcoming period.

The rest of the workshop was devoted to the analysis of the proposed courses. During two days, representatives of partner institutions from Serbia, the University of Belgrade, the University of Novi Sad, the University of Niš, the Public Policy Secretariat of the Republic of Serbia, FREN and SeConS discussed the proposals of courses in the following areas: creation and analysis of public policy, economics for public policy, quantitative and qualitative research methods, management and elective courses. The subject of analysis were the expected outcomes, the proposed lecturers, literature, etc. One of the goals of the workshop was to establish cooperation between teachers of different profiles in conceiving and implementation of courses, so that the courses themselves would be truly interdisciplinary, as well as among different institutions, in order to ensure their sustainability with all partner institutions.

Work Plan Workshop Nis
